El Forn de Calç
08275 – Calders (Barcelona)
93 830 91 59
646 601 580 – 620 920 952
El Forn de Calç
08275 – Calders (Barcelona)
93 830 91 59
646 601 580 – 620 920 952
El forn de la calç don’t have opening hours to the public. For visits, contact through the phone or email.
Highway C16 to Sant Fruitós de Bages and direction Calders by N-141 until right exit before the electric substation of Calders.
Eix Transversal direction Lleida to Artés and access by the industrial polygon of Artés, path of Can Vila.
AP-7 highway to Barcelona. Highway C16 to Sant Fruitós de Bages and direction Calders by N-141 until right exit before the electric substation of Calders.
Eix Transversal direction Lleida to Artés and access by the industrial polygon of Artés, path of Can Vila.